Selasa, 29 November 2011

me ? be a teacher of college students?

be a teacher? 
for college students ? 

ohhhh I never to imagine about it !
really , it's not easy for me..
I thing last night will be scary night but I am wrong !
It's nice night , I have nice and funny student . and you know? my students are older than me!
they are an activist! and when I ask them to introduce theirselve and tell something about theirselve, woww they tell about economic,politic and goverment ,, fiuhhhhh they are a great people!
actually , I am not too great in English , but when I teach about something , they can understand quickly and give a good feedback. it's a sweet experience for me because I can learn everything from them especially about politic and they learn english from me , so we are complete each other .

its me when I teach :)

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